What you can expect

Your health and wellbeing are what matter the most. As a registered Dietitian/Nutritionist and a licensed healthcare professional with advanced degrees in science and nutrition, Shadia will perform comprehensive nutrition assessments including evaluation of family & medical history, weight and height measurements, medications check, review of lab results and dietary patterns.

Custom Plans

You will receive personalized care, no matter what your goal is. Whether you want to slim down, reduce blood sugar, lower your cholesterol, or simply eat better, Shadia will help you develop an easy-to-follow nutrition care plan that is suitable to your lifestyle and tailored to your individualized needs.

Private Consultations

Shadia is there when you need her! You will get one-on-one counseling through telehealth visits. You will receive a comprehensive education and Shadia will translate the science of food into eating plans that include all the important nutrients that can help attain and manage a healthy lifestyle.

Why INutrition4U?

Shadia is a Specialized Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist (RDN) that will work as a part of your health care team to improve your health by preventing and managing chronic conditions affected by nutrition.